We are innovators working towards solving the persistent problem of sewage pollution, via the pursuit of perfection.
The Solution
We invented Norag to tackle the problem of sewage pollution by taking a completely different approach to it. Instead of trying to improve just the screen in a CSO, we looked at how to make that CSO operate more efficiently. So, we came up with Norag: a simple fix, with no moving parts, which uses the Venturi effect to solve an issue which faces us all as a society.
The Problem
Everyone has seen the problem across our news channels: sewage spilling out into our rivers and onto our beaches. Sewage pollution is a huge issue right across the country, and it’s one that needs to be stopped. And, indeed, can be stopped…
No Moving Parts
Utilising the Venturi effect means that there are no moving parts, so Norag won’t break down or need replacing in the future.
No Electricity
Norag doesn’t need an additional power source, instead using its design to carry out the task at hand.
Get in touch today.
01792 781933
Unit 1A, Century Park,
Swansea Enterprise Zone
Swansea SA6 8RP